Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More specuation about finance for AB / InBev deal

More chatter and rumor speculating about the possibility of InBev failing to raise the capital for AB takeover.


"Brewery" sponsors art competition, for promotion


Why didn't I think of that? An art competition, with a decent yet affordable cash prize, featuring a beer brand. Hmmm

Craft Beer Video Site Launches

Site Link: Beer America TV

Beer geeks have a new way to waste time online. It's a video site dedicated to craft beer and general beer-geekery.

I didn't spend a lot of time with it yet but it looks promising. Most of the handful of videos are a video tasting/blog that covers one beer per episode.

It would make a good podcast, but iTunes won't recognize the RSS feed. I guess beer guys aren't as computer-savvy as they are drinking-savy.

Homebrewing popularity is expanding... to women


An interesting article about a female homebrewer competition in California.